Wisdom Teeth Removal: Everything You Need To Know

You likely know a friend or family member who has had their wisdom teeth removed. However, you may be wondering why this procedure is sometimes necessary and what it entails. Read on to learn everything you need to know about wisdom teeth removal.

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What are Wisdom Teeth?

Wisdom teeth are your third and final set of molars to develop. Typically, you get four of these, but it’s not uncommon to be missing one or more third molars. More than half of the population has at least one wisdom tooth, and some people get more than the usual set of four. The only way to know for sure how many wisdom teeth you have is by taking a panoramic x-ray. If your third molars completely erupt into your mouth, they can help you chew foods better.

Reasons For Wisdom Teeth Removal

Wisdom teeth create problems when there isn’t room for them to erupt into the mouth behind the second molars. This can lead to an impacted or partially erupted third molar. An impacted wisdom tooth remains beneath the gum and never comes into the mouth at all. The most frequent problem caused by an impacted tooth is cysts, which can damage the jawbone and adjacent teeth.

A partially erupted third molar occurs when only a part of the tooth breaks through the gum. Without complete eruption, a wisdom tooth can cause problems, such as:

·       Tooth decay on the wisdom tooth and the second molar in front of it.

·       Infection in the gum and jaw.

·       Pain in the jaw, neck, or face.

·       Cysts that can damage teeth and bone.

·       Gum disease.

When Is The Best Time For Wisdom Teeth Removal?

For most people, early adulthood is the best time for wisdom teeth removal. It’s essential to have your wisdom teeth closely monitored once they begin formation to determine the ideal time. Younger people do better for the surgical procedure, when the roots have not entirely formed, which makes removal easier. Waiting to a later age allows the roots to fully develop and get more established in the bone, causing a more complicated surgery and recovery.

When wisdom teeth cause symptoms, it’s is crucial to have them evaluated as soon as possible to avoid a severe complication. These symptoms include:

·       Swelling of the gum around the wisdom tooth.

·       Pain in the jaw or face.

·       Mouth opening that’s painful and difficult.

·       Fever and feeling of malaise.

·       Persistent bad breath.

·       Drainage from the gum around the wisdom tooth.

Preparing For Wisdom Teeth Removal

Preparation is extremely important to your surgery and your recovery. Here are some tips to help you prepare:

·       Carefully read and follow the written instructions given you during your evaluation.

·       Take the necessary time off school and work to recover.

·       Arrange to have someone drive you home after surgery.

·       Pick up any prescribed and recommended over-the-counter medications before your appointment.

·       Purchase an ample supply of soft foods.

·       Make sure you have no remaining questions before surgery.

Wisdom Teeth Removal Aftercare

You should expect some pain, swelling, slight bleeding, and possibly bruising following wisdom teeth removal. Everyone responds differently to the procedure but the few days after surgery are critical to the healing process. Steps you can take to help in recovery include:

·       Take medication as prescribed.

·       Rest for the next 24 to 78 hours.

·       Bite on gauze packs until the bleeding stops.

·       Do not smoke at all.

·       Use ice and heat as prescribed.

·       Eat soft foods.

·       Brush and rinse gently.

What Is A Dry Socket?

A very small number of people develop a dry socket after tooth extractions. It’s characterized by intense pain at the extraction site a few days after surgery. If you look at the socket and see a dry-looking hole instead of a blood clot, you have a dry socket. Your dentist will treat a dry socket by cleaning the socket and applying a medicinal dressing.

Schedule an Appointment

This is everything you need to know about wisdom teeth removal. For more information or to set up a consultation, contact Trident General Dentistry today!

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