Why Does My Tongue Have Cracks in It?

If you notice grooves and cracks in your tongue, you are not alone. Around 5% of people in the U.S. have cracked tongues. 

If you’re wondering, “Why does my tongue have cracks in it?” rest assured that it is probably benign. Tongue cracks can be caused by an underlying condition, but they are rarely harmful.

To find out more about your oral health and if your teeth and mouth are healthy schedule an appointment with Trident General Dentistry.

Fissured Tongue

The medical term for a tongue with cracks in it is fissured tongue. Fissured tongues are characterized by deep grooves, furrows, and lines throughout your tongue. 

In most cases, fissured tongues are genetic and the exact cause is unknown. As long as you brush your tongue frequently and remove any food and debris from the grooves, your tongue will remain healthy. 

Some cases of the fissured tongue are a result of an underlying medical condition. In certain skin conditions or inflammatory diseases, your tongue can develop bumps, lines, or cracks, creating the appearance of a cracked tongue. 

Why Does My Tongue Have Cracks in It?

Doctors are unsure of every reason that you might have a cracked tongue. However, some medical disorders can cause symptoms like “geographic tongue” or fissured tongue. 

If you suspect that one of the following underlying conditions is causing your cracked tongue, it is important to see your medical provider for a consultation or test. 

Melkersson-Rosenthal Syndrome

This neurological condition is rare and causes facial swelling. Experts believe that this syndrome is genetic. It may also be linked to Crohn’s disease. 

One of the symptoms of Melkersson-Rosenthal syndrome is a fissured tongue. Patients with this syndrome can develop fissures in their lips as well as their tongues. 

Pustular Psoriasis

This form of psoriasis is very rare and severe. The condition is characterized by raised, pus-filled bumps all over the body. 

In addition to skin problems, pustular psoriasis can cause a cracked tongue with painful red patches. Treatment of pustular psoriasis focuses on managing the symptoms, as there is no cure. 

Down Syndrome

Fissured tongue is present in some genetic disorders, with Down syndrome being one of the more common ones.

Due to the genetic nature of Down syndrome and fissured tongue’s links to other genetic conditions, researchers believe fissured tongue may be related to a specific gene. 

Caring for a Cracked Tongue

If you have a cracked tongue, regular dental hygiene should be enough to keep it clean and healthy. Dentists recommend taking extra time to brush the surface of your tongue to ensure that bacteria does not build up. After you eat, you should check your tongue to make sure food is not stuck in the grooves. 

If you are wondering about your fissured tongue, it may be best to see a dental professional. At Trident General Dentistry in Charleston, South Carolina, we can examine your oral health and advise you on the best practices for caring for your cracked tongue. 

We care about our patients and look forward to seeing you in our office. Book an appointment at Trident General Dentistry today!

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