Why Do I Have Pain in My Neck Glands When Yawning?

Although a serious problem is not usually the cause of neck pain while yawning, it can be troubling until you find out the cause. There are several possible reasons you can have pain in your neck glands when yawning, and many will resolve without treatment. However, if you have persistent neck pain while yawning, you may need a medical or dental examination to determine its cause.

If you have neck pain while yawning, schedule an appointment with Trident Dental for a comprehensive head and neck examination.

Why Do We Yawn?

Everyone, from babies to older adults, yawns at various times. However, yawning at the wrong time can offend another person or seem overtly impolite. The reason is that yawning is often seen as a sign of boredom. However, some people yawn during intense activities such as exercising or performing on stage. Adding to the mystery of yawning is a common belief that it is contagious.

Scientists have studied yawning for a while but still have only theories of why we do it. One recent theory is called the brain-cooling hypothesis. This theory proposes that yawning stretches your jaw and increases blood flow in your head and neck. You then take a breath in as you yawn, which forces spinal flood and blood from your brain downward. The air you breathe in cools these fluids, and this entire process serves to help regulate the brain’s temperature.

This, however, is only one of numerous theories, such as yawning helps you:

  • Add oxygen to your blood.

  • Lubricate your lungs.

  • Wake up your body.

  • Show empathy for others.

Yawning And TMJ

Yawning can cause clicking and popping noises and pain in your temporomandibular joints (TMJ). These joints are located in front of your ears and connect your lower jaw to your skull. A number of conditions, such as bruxism or teeth grinding, can cause inflammation and dysfunction of these joints, known as TMD (temporomandibular disorder). When you open your mouth wide during yawning, you can experience mild to severe pain in the affected joint. It is also possible for yawning to cause this joint to lock your mouth open.

Pain from your TMJ can radiate to your teeth, face, temple area of your head, and neck. You may need a dental or medical examination to determine the source of your pain and rule out other possible causes. Many cases of TMD respond well to conservative dental treatment, such as adjusting your bite and a custom-made night guard.

Causes Of Neck Pain When Yawning

In addition to a dysfunctional TMJ, other possible causes of neck pain while yawning include:

  • Strained neck muscles. Stress, sitting at a computer, poor posture, and exercise can cause strained and cramped neck muscles. Opening your mouth wide during yawning can stretch these muscles and produce pain.

  • Sore throat. Bacterial and viral infections, allergies, smoking, and upper respiratory conditions can dry your throat. Yawning can irritate a dry throat and feel like pain in your neck.

  • Cervical spondylosis and other cervical disc disorders. Age, injury, and developmental conditions can cause the bone and soft tissue in your neck to wear down. This can result in pain whenever you move your neck while yawning.

Schedule Appointment 

Contact us for a comprehensive oral examination that includes an evaluation of your TMJ and learn how you may benefit from a custom night guard to protect your teeth.

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