What is Crown Lengthening and is it for You?

It’s most likely you did not hear about crown lengthening until a dentist or specialist told you that it was a great surgical procedure for you. Of course, hearing the word surgical will cause anyone anxiety. That’s why we at Trident General Dentistry have put together a short guide on the what and why of crown lengthening, to help you discover if it really is the procedure for you and just how painless it can be!

To find out more about how a dentist can help you feel confident about your smile schedule an appointment with Trident General Dentistry.

What is Crown Lengthening?

Crown lengthening is a dental surgical procedure that removes gum tissue around a tooth to restore a tooth or enhance the tooth cosmetically. It is a common procedure to improve a “gummy” smile where excess gum tissue covers teeth. Crown lengthening results in more exposure of the natural tooth by recontouring the bone and gum surrounding a tooth.

Why Would I Need Crown Lengthening?

The versatility of the crown lengthening procedure makes it beneficial for many situations. The most common reasons you might need crown lengthening include:

  • To restore a badly decayed tooth. When tooth decay penetrates a tooth beneath the gum line, your dentist needs to expose more of the tooth to completely remove the damaged structure and restore its natural appearance and function.

  • To repair a broken tooth. A blow to the mouth often causes a tooth to fracture below the surrounding gum and bone. For your dentist to restore your tooth, these tissues must be surgically repositioned.

  • To cosmetically improve a tooth. Crown lengthening can improve a smile that is affected by excess gum covering your teeth. This results in teeth appearing shorter than desired. Crown lengthening can also reshape an irregular gum line for a more natural appearance.

What are the Risks of Crown Lengthening?

Crown lengthening is a safe and effective treatment with minimal risks. However, as with any surgical procedure, complications can occur. The most common ones include:

  • Post-surgical infection. You can reduce this risk with good oral hygiene before and after the surgery.

  • Prolonged bleeding. As with any oral surgical procedure, crown lengthening causes bleeding. Typically, this lasts for about an hour after your surgery. However, prolonged bleeding can occur. You should contact your dentist if bleeding does not stop after the procedure.

  • Sensitive teeth. Since crown lengthening exposes more tooth structure, you may have sensitivity to hot and cold foods and drinks. This is usually temporary, and your dentist can offer solutions to help with this.

Is crown lengthening painful?

A local dental anesthetic will numb your teeth, gums, and jawbone prior to the crown lengthening surgery. If the anesthetic wears off during the surgery and you experience any discomfort, your dentist will administer additional anesthetic. In some cases, oral or intravenous sedation is employed to reduce anxiety and lower the chance of any discomfort. You receive pain medications after the surgery to reduce any pain when you get home. You should expect mild discomfort but no severe pain as you recover.

Schedule an Appointment

Our goal is optimal health for your teeth and gums and a bright smile that lasts your lifetime. To learn more, contact Trident General Dentistry to schedule a comprehensive dental examination and professional teeth cleaning.

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