What are Congenitally Missing Teeth? Causes & Solutions

Typically, as a child loses their baby teeth, the permanent or adult teeth begin erupting through their gums. It can be alarming, stressful, and confusing for parents when a tooth never appears and leaves a gap between a child’s teeth. Congenitally missing teeth is a common occurrence and affects close to ten percent of the population. Fortunately, there are several options to replace these missing teeth and ensure a white and bright smile for your child.

Learn more about congenitally missing teeth, and schedule an appointment with Trident General Dentistry today!

What Are Congenitally Missing Teeth?

Most adults eventually have thirty-two permanent teeth. Wisdom tooth extraction, tooth decay, and gum disease are the leading reasons many people eventually have fewer teeth. However, some people have missing teeth due to genetic factors and are born without one or more teeth. Dentists refer to this condition as hypodontia or congenitally missing teeth.

What Causes Congenitally Missing Teeth?

Certain genetic and environmental factors can cause congenitally missing teeth. The genetic causes include conditions such as:

·         Ectodermal dysplasia

·         Cleft lip

·         Cleft palate

·         Down syndrome

While most are inherited, several environmental factors can also disrupt the developing tooth and cause it to never erupt. These factors include:

·         Increased age of mother at birth

·         Low birth weight

·         Trauma

·         Exposure to some drugs

·         Infections

Which Teeth Are Sometimes Missing Congenitally?

Any tooth can be missing at birth, but the most common ones tend to be:

·         Upper lateral incisors. These are the two teeth beside your two front teeth.

·         Lower central incisors. These are the two teeth in the center of your lower jaw.

·         Second bicuspids or premolars. Typically, you have eight premolars. These are the two teeth just in front of your first molars on the upper and lower jaws.

·         Wisdom teeth or third molars. Congenitally missing third molars are extremely common and not usually associated with a known cause. More than one-third of the population has no wisdom teeth.

What Problems Do Missing Teeth Cause?

Congenitally missing teeth can cause several problems, such as:

·         Cosmetic issues. This is especially true for missing upper lateral incisors and lower central incisors. Congenitally missing teeth can affect your smile and cause a sagging of facial muscles and skin.

·         Difficulty chewing. Missing teeth cause problems with your bite that can make chewing some foods difficult.

·         Shifting teeth. A missing tooth can cause other teeth to move out of place. This can cause an increased risk for tooth decay and gum disease.

·         Less confidence. The gaps caused by congenitally missing teeth can cause emotional distress and loss of confidence when speaking and smiling.

Treatment Options

Trident General Dentistry offers several excellent solutions to replace congenitally missing teeth and avoid the problems mentioned above. The treatment options include:

·         Invisible braces. Some cases of missing teeth benefit from moving the surrounding teeth into a more optimal position. Our ClearCorrect aligners are more comfortable, easier to maintain, and allow you to eat your usual diet. Additionally, you don’t have metal brackets and wires to contend with.

·         Removable dentures. Children can begin to wear these to help with speech development until they are old enough for permanent solutions.

·         Dental implants. This surgical procedure replaces the root of a missing tooth with a metal post placed in the jaw. A dental crown attaches to the implant for a natural looking and more comfortable feeling replacement for a congenitally missing tooth.

·         Fixed dental bridges. This treatment uses crowns on teeth next to the space created by a missing tooth to support the replacement tooth.

Schedule an Appointment

If you are concerned that you may have congenitally missing teeth, call us today and schedule an appointment. Trident General Dentistry can discuss the best treatment option to replace your missing teeth.

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