Teeth Whitening Options for a Brighter Smile

Discolored teeth affect your smile and can diminish the quality of your life. Most people place a high value on their smile because it improves their social life, boosts confidence, and allows them to look their best.

There are many teeth whitening options for a brighter smile today. Some of these involve home care, but others require professional treatment by your dentist. Read on to learn more about your options for whiter teeth and a brighter smile.

Trident General Dentistry is proud to offer teeth whitening services in our Charleston, SC offices. Book an appointment with us today!

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How Do Teeth Become Stained?

 Teeth become stained for several reasons such as:

·       Certain foods and drinks such as coffee and tea

·       Tobacco products

·       Some medications

·       Aging

·       Poor oral hygiene

·       Dental trauma

Regular Dental Checkups and Professional Cleaning

Regular dental checkups and cleanings are a basic part of having healthier teeth and gums that can give you a brighter smile. Trident General Dentistry closely examines your teeth for cavities or other causes that require dental treatment to whiten your teeth, such as discolored fillings. You also receive a professional cleaning that removes plaque and tartar that can stain teeth. The professional polishing by your dental hygienist makes your teeth shine for an instantly brighter smile.

Effective Daily Oral Hygiene Routine

Brushing your teeth twice daily for two minutes and flossing at least once per day can keep your teeth whiter by removing plaque and surface stains. Brushing and flossing make your teeth whiter and can also prevent gum inflammation that negatively affects your smile. Ask Trident General Dentistry for a toothbrush and toothpaste recommendation that can keep your teeth whiter.

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Over-the-Counter Whitening Products

Whitening strips, gels, and pastes that you purchase over-the-counter might help remove surface stains. However, these require cautious use. Some of these can erode enamel or damage gums if used improperly. Deep stains usually require professional whitening for the bright smile you desire.

Professional Teeth Whitening

The results of professional teeth whitening are superior to over-the-counter products you use at home.

The benefits of professional teeth whitening include:

·  Professional preparation for most effective whitening. Before the whitening process begins, you receive a thorough cleaning and polishing of your teeth. This removes plaque which can interfere with teeth whitening.

·  Customized whitening for your specific smile. Professional whitening can determine the ideal shade of white to create the brightest smile for you. Custom-made trays that fit snugly against your teeth ensure maximum control and the safest whitening.

·  Superior results from the use of professional whitening gel. The whitening gel you purchase at a retail store is less than one-tenth the strength of professional gels. These weaker gels can only help reduce light staining.

·  Quicker results. Store-bought products can’t deliver the rapid results you receive from professional teeth whitening. You can waste a lot of time and money trying to whiten your teeth at home with ineffective products, or you can get better results in a fraction of the time.

· Safe treatment. Over-the-counter products can irritate your gums and cause sensitive teeth. Professional whitening is closely monitored and adjusted for your safety.

Porcelain Veneers

Porcelain veneers are one of the most popular cosmetic dentistry procedures performed for smile enhancement. Removal of a minimal amount of tooth structure is needed to make room for the veneers. Surface stains don’t typically require the placement of veneers.

Still, porcelain veneers commonly treat certain situations, such as:

·       Chipped teeth

·       Gaps between teeth

·       Crooked teeth

·       Worn teeth

·       Teeth stained from trauma

·       Misshaped teeth

The advantages of dental veneers include:

·       Can last up to 20 years

·       Resist stains

·       More exact color match

·       Tolerated well by gums

·       Natural tooth appearance

·       Easy to maintain

Contact Trident General Dentistry

As you can see, there are many teeth whitening options for a brighter smile. If you need help making the best choice for your specific situation, Trident General Dentistry can assist you. Contact us today to discuss the best treatment to gain whiter teeth and a brighter smile.

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