Invisalign vs. Traditional Braces: Which is Right for You?

Most people want a beautiful smile with straight, healthy teeth. For many years, the only option to straighten teeth was traditional orthodontics using metal brackets and wires. In the late 1990s, dentists began using clear plastic aligners to gradually move teeth into a more optimal position and improve their patients’ smiles. Today, clear aligners offer several advantages for many people who want straighter teeth.

Call us today to schedule an appointment with Trident General Dentistry and learn more about which braces are right for you. 

Clear Plastic vs. Metal

The most obvious difference between Invisalign and traditional braces is the dental appliance used to move your teeth. Traditional braces use a metal bracket bonded to most teeth and wires running through the brackets that require regular adjustments to move teeth. Most people associate getting straighter teeth with a mouth full of metal.

Invisalign clear aligners are virtually visible. Invisalign uses custom-made trays made from medical-grade plastic that are hardly noticeable to most people. You wear these aligners for most of the day to slowly reposition your teeth.

Optimal Comfort vs. Sharp Edges

One of the common complaints of traditional braces is the pain caused by the cuts made by wires and brackets to the gums, tongue, and inside the cheek. Invisalign avoids this with smooth plastic aligners that don’t irritate your mouth. Most people compare Invisalign to wearing a mouth guard. Besides feeling more comfortable, this benefit avoids the frequent dental visits caused by the sharp edges of traditional braces.

Removable vs. Cemented in Place

You can remove Invisalign aligners for sports, speaking engagements, or social settings when necessary. When you wear traditional braces, this is not an option since you cannot remove the brackets. However, because you can remove the clear aligners, it does pose the problem of leaving them out excessively or misplacing them. In addition, it requires discipline to leave the aligners in each day for the time necessary to avoid prolonging the treatment time for straight teeth.

Easy vs. Challenging Hygiene

Traditional braces require a change in your daily oral hygiene routine. You cannot brush and floss your teeth as you did before wearing braces. Each bracket and wire can trap food and plaque that might cause dental cavities or gum disease. To overcome the hygiene obstacles, you need to learn how to effectively clean your teeth around each bracket and wire. This often requires learning about and using devices such as water flossers, interdental flossers, floss threaders, and Superfloss.

Because you can remove Invisalign aligners when you want to brush and floss, you do not need to make any changes in your oral hygiene routine. The only added maintenance with Invisalign is ensuring you keep the aligners clean.

Same Foods vs. Modified Diet

When you wear traditional braces, you should avoid foods that are crunchy, sticky, hard, or chewy to prevent damaging the braces. Most people find it discouraging and difficult to make such changes. However, the result of damaging your braces is more dental appointments.

A significant health advantage to Invisalign is the ability to change your diet. You can remove the aligners each time you eat your usual diet. You need to replace the aligners immediately after eating and clean any food particles from them as soon as possible.

Schedule an Appointment

If you want to discuss straightening your teeth to improve your smile, call Trident General Dentistry for a consultation.

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