How to Use a Gum Stimulator

Everyone constantly forms dental plaque that contributes to tooth decay and gum disease. In addition to regular dental checkups and professional teeth cleaning, you can help prevent plaque accumulation with an effective oral hygiene routine. Many tools are now available to use in addition to your toothbrush and dental floss. One of these is the gum stimulator. Continue reading to learn how to use a gum stimulator and the benefits they offer.

To learn more about how to keep your gums healthy, schedule an appointment with Trident Dental for a comprehensive oral exam and professional teeth cleaning.

What Is A Gum Stimulator?

A gum stimulator is an oral care device you can use at home in addition to your toothbrush and dental floss. You can use a gum stimulator to massage the gums between your teeth gently. It typically consists of an angled handle with a cone-shaped rubber tip.

What Are The Benefits Of Using A Gum Stimulator?

When you use a gum stimulator, you remove dental plaque and food particles in spaces between teeth as you massage the gums. The massaging action of a gum stimulator increases the blood flow to your gums. This added blood flow helps prevent gum infections and improves the overall health of your gums. Healthy gums help keep the bone that supports your teeth healthy and prevents your teeth from loosening due to periodontal disease.

How To Use A Gum Stimulator?

You should always replace any worn or damaged rubber tips on a gum stimulator. In addition, you can maximize the effectiveness of a gum stimulator by following these steps:

  • Brush your teeth for two minutes using toothpaste with the American Dental Association Seal of Acceptance.

  • Brush gently with a soft-bristled toothbrush.

  • Floss and use other flossing aids such as an oral irrigator or interdental brush.

  • Gently place the rubber tip on the gum stimulator at your gum line on the front and back of your teeth.

  • Use gentle circular motions to massage the gums.

  • Slide the point of the tip beneath the gum line and place the stimulator’s edge against the tooth’s surface. Sweep along the tooth to remove debris and dental plaque trapped under the gums.

  • Rinse thoroughly with an ADA-approved mouthwash.

  • Clean your gum stimulator by soaking it in a solution of one part water and two parts hydrogen peroxide.

How Often Should You Use A Gum Stimulator?

Most dentists recommend using a gum stimulator once daily, preferably at night. However, if you use them properly, you might benefit from using one more than once a day. Ask your dentist or dental hygienist what they recommend for your situation.

What Are The Benefits Of Using A Gum Stimulator?

Having healthy gums has several oral and general health benefits, including:

  • Preventing gum infections that lead to periodontal disease.

  • Preventing tooth loss due to loss of bone around teeth.

  • Preventing bone loss that causes sagging of facial muscles.

  • Preventing gum recession that can lead to more dental cavities.

  • Keeping your breath fresh.

  • Reducing the risk of tooth sensitivity.

  • Contributing to a brighter and healthier smile.

  • Possibly helping to prevent the progression of several diseases, such as diabetes, heart disease, respiratory disease, cancer, and Alzheimer’s disease.

Schedule Appointment

At Trident Dental, we are committed to complete oral health. Contact us to learn more about how regular dental checkups and professional teeth cleanings can help you maintain healthy gums and prevent periodontal disease.

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