How to Pull a Tooth at Home

Most people remember having their first tooth removed at home by a parent or when it fell out naturally. By the time the tooth was removed, it was extremely loose and close to falling out by itself. The tooth was either wiggled out or possibly removed by gently pulling on a piece of thread wrapped securely around the tooth. But those were baby teeth. Can you safely pull an adult tooth at home? Continue reading to learn more about whether dentists ever recommend this.

To find out more about removing a tooth safely, and how to take care of the wound schedule an appointment with Trident General Dentistry.

Reasons Adult Teeth Need Removing

A natural development during childhood is the loss of your primary or baby teeth. You have twenty of them, and their roots dissolve as the underlying permanent adult teeth develop and push them out. However, humans are not like some animals, such as kangaroos, which constantly replace their teeth throughout their lives. You, on the other hand, only get one set, usually between twenty-eight and thirty-two teeth, as you enter young adulthood. These are meant to last your lifetime.

Unfortunately, millions of adult teeth require extraction each year. Some of the most common reasons adult teeth require extraction include:

  • Tooth decay

  • Severe gum disease

  • Smoking

  • Trauma

  • Cracked roots

Should You Remove an Adult Tooth at Home?

Although it may appear simple and easy to remove your tooth, this is never recommended. There are several reasons you should avoid removing your tooth at home, such as:

  • Your tooth might not need removal. While some teeth might appear too damaged to repair, your dentist may have the techniques and dental materials to save them. You may also make the mistake of pulling a painful tooth only to find out that the pain was referred from another source, such as a sinus infection, and then nerve endings only felt as if that specific tooth is hurting.

  • You can damage your mouth or other teeth. Unbelievably, the most common way people attempt to remove a tooth themselves is by using pliers. Not surprisingly, this can cause severe damage.

  • Pulling your tooth may result in spending more on dental treatment. The damage you incur by treating yourself can cost you much more than a simple tooth extraction by a dentist.

  • You may eliminate a more desirable option. If you have a loose tooth due to a dental infection, it can usually be saved with a root canal treatment. Attempting to remove the tooth at home can severely damage the tooth beyond the ability to save it.

How to Remove a Loose Tooth and is it Safe?

The only teeth you should ever remove at home are baby teeth. This is generally safe for most children. However, it is never advised or safe to remove a loose adult tooth. You should always consult a dentist for any treatment of your teeth and gums. YouTube may help you with some DIY projects around your home, but dental care is not one of them.

How Much Does It Cost to Pull a Tooth?

The cost to have a tooth professionally extracted varies according to several factors. Something to keep in mind, however, is not just the one-time cost of removing a tooth. You should consider the cost of replacing the tooth and maintaining the replacement tooth over a lifetime. We would always like to discuss options to save your tooth and how this can benefit you in the long term.

Schedule an Appointment

Contact Trident General Dentistry to learn more about how we can help replace any missing teeth to restore the function of your teeth and ensure you have the smile you want.

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