How to Move Past Your Fear of Dentists

Many people avoid seeking dental care because of their fear of dentists. The dentist’s office can seem intimidating to people for multiple reasons. 

The portrayal of scary, clinical dentist’s offices in television media and the pain associated with some intense dental procedures may drive this common fear of dentists. However, we assure you that dentists have your best interests in mind. 

Seeing a dentist does not have to be a terrifying experience. Quality dental offices will make every effort to relax and comfort you as you sit through your teeth cleanings and exams. We have compiled some tips to help you conquer your fear of the dentist.

To get to know your dentist and feel more at ease schedule an appointment with Trident General Dentistry.

Read About Dental Procedures

The old saying “knowledge is power” applies to your fear of the dentist’s office. Sometimes learning about the different exams and procedures at the dentist can ease your fears. 

Every dental treatment performed by skilled dentists is for the improvement of your oral health. Dentists are passionate about helping patients achieve a healthy, beautiful smile. 

Once you know the ins and outs of your routine dental checkups, you are less likely to feel nervous. When you know what to expect from your visit, you can gain a sense of control to ease your anxiety. 

Know Your Pain Management Options

Most routine dental procedures are not painful at all. If you happen to need a more involved dental treatment, it helps to know what pain management looks like at your local dentist’s office. 

Most dentists offer basic numbing for routine procedures like fillings. For oral surgeries, you can undergo general anesthesia or “twilight anesthesia.” Twilight anesthesia is a light sedative used in procedures where you stay awake. It calms you down and relaxes your body so that you have a comfortable experience during your treatment. 

If you have specific anxieties or medical issues, let your dentist know before your appointment. Some dental offices offer anxiety medication to ease your nerves during your visit. They can work with you to figure out the best solution to keep you comfortable and relaxed. 

Choose a Highly-Rated Dentist

When it comes to choosing a dentist, you want to go with a professional who has good reviews. If other patients have pleasant experiences with that dental provider, chances are you will too. Look out for keywords that indicate good qualities in a dentist, such as “trustworthy,” “patient,” and “experienced.”

A great dentist will understand your fears and help you overcome them. You can search your local dental offices for patient reviews and testimonials. These are often available directly on the offices’ websites. It will help you feel more comfortable if you know that you are visiting a trusted dentist. 

Visit Trident General Dentistry for a Comfortable Experience 

If you have a strong fear of dentists and are looking for a compassionate environment, Trident General Dentistry is the place for you. 

Our experienced staff will help you overcome your fears and give you the best treatment for your dental needs. Book an appointment at Trident General Dentistry today!

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