Hawley Retainer Guide

After investing the time and money in straightening your teeth, you are probably very excited to have your braces removed. However, to avoid losing your new smile, you need to wear a retainer to hold the straight teeth in place. You may have several retainer options to accomplish this. A popular and effective retainer is the Hawley retainer discussed below.

To find out more about braces, and whether you need them schedule an appointment with Trident General Dentistry.

What is a Hawley Retainer?

A Hawley retainer is one of the most widely used and reliable removable appliances used following the orthodontic straightening of teeth. It is also called a wire retainer because it is made of acrylic and wire. Your retainer is custom-fitted for your mouth to ensure its comfort when worn. The acrylic part of the retainer fits snugly against the roof of your mouth, and a couple of wires on each side help hold it in place. The visible portion is a wire that fits across the front teeth. 

Others such as the Essix and Invisalign Vivera removable clear plastic retainers have become popular in recent years. However, one survey found that nine out of ten dentists prefer the Hawley retainer for the upper teeth. Typically, a Hawley Retainer can last around five years and can be adjusted as needed. 

Can a Hawley Retainer Straighten Teeth?

This is a common question usually posed by young adults who wore braces as a child. Regrettably, they did not wear the retainer as instructed, and their teeth shifted and now would like to regain their straight teeth. Unfortunately, Hawley retainers were never intended for this purpose. Tooth movement requires the application of steady force that a Hawley retainer cannot provide. 

How to Clean Hawley Retainers

Regular cleaning is necessary to prevent a white buildup of salivary calcium, dental plaque, and tartar on your Hawley retainer. Here are several tips to keep your Hawley retainer clean and lasting as long as possible:

  • Leaving your retainer in, brush it when you brush your teeth.

  • Use a soft-bristled toothbrush and non-whitening toothpaste.

  • Remove the retainer and rinse it. Brush your teeth again to clean the areas covered by the retainer.

  • Occasionally you can use a denture cleaner to clean your retainer. Overuse of a denture cleaner can turn your retainer yellow.

  • You can use baking soda to clean and disinfect your retainer periodically. Make a paste using water and gently scrub with a toothbrush.

  • You can use white vinegar to disinfect, remove residue, and eliminate odor.

  • Cleaners designed specifically for retainers are readily available and efficient to use.

  • Thoroughly clean your retainer at least once each week or if you notice a bad taste or smell. 

The Pros and Cons of a Hawley Retainer

The advantages of a Hawley retainer include:

  • Less expensive than a bonded retainer.

  • More durable than some clear removable retainers.

  • Easy to clean.

  • Can be periodically adjusted if necessary.

  • Removable for eating without restrictions.

  • Allows for normal brushing and flossing.

The disadvantages of a Hawley retainer include:

  • More noticeable than clear retainers.

  • Requires patient compliance to prevent relapse and teeth shifting.

  • Easily lost or damaged.

  • Can interfere with speech.

How Much is a Hawley Retainer?

Because Hawley retainers are removable, they can be damaged or lost. The cost to replace a single retainer ranges between $150 and $500. 

Schedule an Appointment

Trident General Dentistry to schedule a consultation and discover how we can help you have straighter teeth and a brighter smile.

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