Ear and Jaw Pain in Covid is it Normal?

COVID-19 affects people differently with a wide range of symptoms. While ear and jaw pain are not typical symptoms initially, both may occur due to having the SARS-CoV-2 virus. Additionally, ear and jaw pain after Covid as symptoms are reported by those known as “long haulers.” These are patients who report a variety of symptoms after recovering from COVID-19.

If you have any questions or concerns about jaw pain, schedule an appointment with Trident Dental for a comprehensive oral exam and TMJ evaluation.

Does COVID-19 Cause Jaw Pain?

While jaw pain is not on the list of symptoms for COVID-19, it can result from other symptoms and linger after recovery from the virus. In one study, slightly more than one-fourth of the symptoms experienced by long haulers were painful. More than twenty-five of these painful symptoms were reported, and jaw pain was among these. The jaw pain reported in the media seems consistent with TMJ’s (temporomandibular joint) disorder diagnosis.

Does COVID-19 Cause Ear Pain?

Researchers have examined the possible effect of the SARS-CoV-2 virus on the inner ear. Some patients may have experienced inner ear symptoms such as hearing and balance impairment. However, these need further studies. In the study cited in the previous section, several ear symptoms were listed among those considered painless. These included clogged ears and tinnitus. However, it is not uncommon for TMJ disorder to affect the ear with various symptoms, including ear pain.

How Can COVID-19 Cause TMJ Pain?

The two temporomandibular joints are located in front of your ears and connect your lower jaw to your skull. The TMJs are very complex joints that allow the many movements possible by your jaws. This complex combination of muscles, nerves, and bone must function in relative harmony to avoid the painful symptoms of TMJ disorder. Unfortunately, COVID-19 causes several symptoms that may disrupt this harmonious function. These symptoms include:

  • Stress. For many reasons, COVID-19 has caused significant stress and anxiety for those with, or recovering, from the illness. Stress often leads to clenching your teeth during the day and grinding your teeth at night. These affect the TMJs and result in mild to severe jaw pain. This is often treated with a custom-made night guard.

  • Mouth breathing. COVID-19 is a respiratory illness that typically causes trouble breathing. To compensate for this difficulty, patients often breathe through the mouth more frequently. Mouth breathing exerts more pressure on your jaw, leading to misalignment and pain in your TMJ.

  • Strained neck muscles. Some long haulers report neck muscle pain, possibly caused by more forceful breathing. Strained neck muscle can place abnormal forces on the jaw that lead to jaw pain.

  • Difficulty sleeping. Many patients report a disruption of sleep caused by COVID-19. Sleep disorders have been thought to be caused and to worsen from TMJ disorder jaw pain.

Treatment For Jaw Pain

There are many possible causes of jaw pain which makes accurate diagnosis critical to successful treatment. Depending on the cause, treatment may include:

  • Applying moist heat or cold packs.

  • Replacing defective dental restorations.

  • Adjusting how your teeth bite together.

  • Temporarily eating a soft diet.

  • Avoiding opening wide, especially while yawning.

  • Wearing a custom-made night guard.

  • Analgesics.

Schedule Appointment

Contact us at Trident Dental to learn how we can help you with any questions or problems you might experience with TMJ and jaw pain. We also provide regular dental checkups and professional teeth cleanings that help you maintain healthy teeth and gums and have a smile you have always wanted.

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