Best Gum For Strengthening Your Jaw

Although chewing gum has been around since the mid-1800s, William Wrigley made it popular in the early twentieth century. Unfortunately, the popular chewing gum of that day contained sugar and contributed to the rise in tooth decay. Today, however, chewing gum has evolved into a product that has many benefits, including improving your oral health. Continue reading to learn more facts about the best gum for strengthening your jaw and one popular internet myth about chewing gum.

To learn more about how to prevent cavities and reduce your risk of gum disease, schedule an appointment with Trident General Dentistry.

Benefits Of Chewing Gum

A great deal of research has examined chewing gum’s oral and general health benefits. Current findings show that chewing gum may offer several benefits, including:

Is Chewing Gum Good For Your Oral Health?

In addition to the many medical benefits discovered for chewing gum, the American Dental Association has proposed several advantages that chewing sugarless gum offers for oral health, such as:

  • Decreased plaque and gingival inflammation in older adults.

  • Increased salivary flow.

  • Helpful in evaluating how efficiently you can chew food.

  • Management of ulcers and erosive lesions following radiation treatment of the head and neck in adults, but not children.

  • Helps improve salivary flow for patients receiving cancer chemotherapy.

Other possible benefits suggested for chewing gum include teeth whitening, preventing bad breath, and decreased incidence of tooth decay.

Choosing The Best Chewing Gum

The American Dental Association states that experts have independently evaluated approved chewing gums for safety and efficacy. To receive the ADA Seal of Acceptance, chewing gum must also contain no sugar. In addition, manufacturers must provide scientific evidence, and laboratory studies confirming claims such as plaque reduction, enamel remineralization, decreased cavities, or reduced gum inflammation. The ADA’s emphasis on an approved chewing gum being sugarless is based on research that shows these products can increase salivary flow and reduce decay. The approved chewing gums contain sweeteners such as mannitol, aspartame, xylitol, or sorbitol.

Adverse Effects Of Chewing Gum

With so many benefits of chewing gum, are there any reasons not to do it? There can be disadvantages for some people, especially if you chew gum excessively. The possible adverse effects of chewing gum too much include:

  • TMJ disorder. This occurs when the temporomandibular joint becomes inflamed and painful. You may notice a popping or clicking noise when you open your mouth. In addition, earaches and headaches often accompany TMJ problems. Chewing gum contributes to this condition by overworking the muscles used for chewing.

  • Gastrointestinal problems. Chewing gum can potentially cause two GI issues. First, when you chew gum, signals are sent to your stomach to release excess stomach acid due to the false signal that you are eating food. This increased acid can lead to bloating and other digestion problems. Secondly, the artificial sweeteners found in sugarless gum can cause stomach problems for otherwise healthy individuals.

  • Excessive enamel wear. Chewing gum too often can lead to prematurely worn teeth. This can result in sensitive teeth and an increased risk of tooth decay.

Does Chewing Gum Strengthen Your Jaw?

Although you can find internet articles with claims that some chewing gum can strengthen and improve the appearance of your jaw, this is more myth than fact. The primary muscles that move your jaw are located in your neck and cheeks and not your jawline. Therefore, no chewing gum claiming to strengthen or improve the appearance of your jawline has the ADA Seal of Acceptance.

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