Benefits Of Rinsing With Salt Water At Home

Modern dentistry has made improvements in oral hygiene products such as ultrasonic toothbrushes, specialty toothpaste, and various interdental cleaning devices. However, one method, saltwater rinses, has been around a long time. It’s still effective when used as part of your oral hygiene routine or to treat specific dental conditions. Learn more about the benefits of rinsing with saltwater at home.

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Why Do Dentists Recommend Salt Water Rinses?

The cause of dental conditions such as gum disease or oral infections is bacteria. Dentists recommend salt water rinses because it’s an effective anti-bacterial solution. When your mouth is acidic, bacteria grow and multiply and cause problems such as tooth decay, pain, redness, swelling, and fever. Saltwater can change the acidity of your mouth and make it difficult for bacteria to survive.

What Oral Conditions Can Salt Water Help?

Several conditions can benefit from warm salt water rinses, such as:

·       Gingivitis. If oral plaque accumulates on teeth, the bacteria can cause inflammation of the gums. This results in red, swollen, painful, and bleeding gums. Rinsing with warm salt water can help in soothing these symptoms and controlling the bacteria.

·       Toothache. Warm salt water rinses can naturally and safely help your toothache feel better.

·       Wisdom teeth pain. A painful wisdom tooth presents a unique situation known as pericoronitis. If you have a partially erupted wisdom tooth, there is usually a flap of loose gum tissue covering the back part of the tooth. This creates a space between the tooth and gum that traps food and allows bacteria to accumulate, causing an infection known as pericoronitis. Rinsing with warm water can dislodge food debris and kill bacteria to alleviate pain and swelling. If you experience this, contact Trident General Dentistry as soon as possible for an evaluation.

·       Halitosis. You can have bad breath for many reasons, but the most common cause is oral bacteria. Many over-the-counter types of mouthwash help by killing bacteria that cause halitosis. Warm salt water is a simple, natural, inexpensive, and gentler anti-bacterial mouthwash that can freshen your breath.

·       Mouth sores. Aphthous ulcers, also known as canker sores, typically clear up in one to two weeks. However, they can cause significant pain that saltwater rinses can help lessen.

Rinsing With Salt Water After Dental Treatment

You can benefit from the anti-bacterial and healing properties of saltwater after dental procedures, such as:

·       Tooth extraction

·       Root canal treatment

·       Dental crown

·       Dental filling

·       Orthodontics

·       Gum surgery

Making And Using A Salt Water Rinse

To make your warm salt water rinse:

  1. Combine one-half a teaspoon of salt to one cup of warm, not hot, water.

  2. Gently swish around your mouth for several seconds or until the water cools.

  3. After rinsing, spit the water out. You can expect to consume small amounts of saltwater while rinsing but should avoid swallowing large amounts since ingesting salt can lead to dehydration.

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We hope you enjoyed learning about the benefits of rinsing with saltwater at home. For all of your oral care needs, turn to Trident General Dentistry for assistance.

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