Are You Flossing Too Hard?

Just as important as the frequency of brushing and flossing your teeth is the technique you use. Improperly brushing and flossing can cause irreversible harm that may lead to extensive dental treatments. Continue reading to learn more about the signs of one common oral hygiene mistake.

If you have any questions or concerns about how to floss correctly, schedule an appointment with Trident Dental for a comprehensive oral exam and professional teeth cleaning.

The Importance of Healthy Teeth and Gums

Although a bright and healthy smile may help you win friends and influence people, it can also influence and reveal your overall health. For example, healthy teeth and gums are essential for:

  • Proper nutrition. Healthy teeth and gums and a good diet are interrelated. Good oral health helps you eat a nutritious diet. Likewise, healthy gums and strong teeth help you eat the right foods.

  • Clear speech. Your ability to communicate clearly can affect your job, relationships, and quality of life. One study found that oral health significantly influences one’s ability to articulate words clearly.

  • Fresh breath. Maintaining healthy teeth and gums includes removing plaque and odor-causing bacteria from your teeth, gums, and tongue.

  • Bright smile. You might not want a Hollywood smile but having clean and bright teeth without gum inflammation is always desirable. Your smile is one of the most significant, influential, and recognizable aspects of your physical features.

Dental Home Care Tips

Regular dental exams and professional teeth cleanings are essential for preventing oral disease. These visits allow your dentist to detect early signs of a problem and treat them before needing more extensive treatment. Also, regular professional cleanings can prevent plaque accumulation that causes cavities and gum inflammation. In addition to professional care, your oral care home habits are critical to keeping your teeth and gums healthy. Here are some dental home care tips:

  • Use a soft-bristled toothbrush.

  • Brush your teeth gently using a circular motion.

  • Brush for approximately two minutes.

  • Brush twice daily with a toothbrush approved by the American Dental Association.

  • Drink plenty of water each day to stay adequately hydrated.

  • Eat healthy foods, including fruits and vegetables.

  • Floss your teeth daily using the proper technique.

Five Possible Flossing Mistakes

Properly using dental floss is an inexpensive and effective way to remove dental plaque and prevent oral diseases. However, you have to floss the right way to get this benefit without harming your teeth and gums. Here are five possible mistakes you can make when flossing:

  1. Flossing too quickly. 

  2. Flossing with excessive pressure on the gums.

  3. Flossing with a see-saw motion.

  4. Using too short of a piece of floss.

  5. Not flossing behind the teeth in the very back of your mouth.

Signs You May Floss Too Hard

Although your teeth and gums are durable, you can damage both with overaggressive home care. You can maintain healthy teeth and gums with gentle brushing and flossing. Signs that you may floss too hard include:

  • Persistent sore, swollen, and bleeding gums.

  • Cuts in the gumline.

  • Gum recession.

  • Damaged tooth enamel on the sides of the teeth.

Schedule Appointment

Contact us at Trident Dental to learn how we can help you with any questions or problems you might experience with your oral hygiene routine. Our dental hygienists spend the time necessary to ensure you floss correctly.

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