Are Lumpy Tonsils Normal?

Most people think of their regular dental checkups as the time to get their teeth cleaned and checked for cavities. However, your comprehensive oral exam also serves as the time to have your entire oral area examined for other conditions, including any irregularities in your tonsils. Find out are lumpy tonsils normal here.

To learn more about the importance of a comprehensive oral examination, schedule an appointment with Trident General Dentistry.

What Are Tonsils?

Tonsils are a pair of small organs in the back of your throat. The size of tonsils can vary, but they typically appear as two pink, fleshy, oval nodules on each side of the throat. Tonsils function like lymph nodes in your lymphatic system and play an important role in your body’s health by trapping bacteria and viruses. Although tonsils help resist infections, their removal causes no significant health problems.

Are Lumpy Tonsils Normal?

Most healthy tonsils are smooth and usually have small holes or crypts that trap bacteria and prevent throat infections. However, these crypts can also become clogged with pieces of food, mucous, or other debris. In addition, the function and anatomy of the tonsils make them prone to appearance changes due to various factors.

What Causes Lumpy Tonsils?

The small and pink tonsils can become reddened, irregularly shaped, and lumpy due to conditions that affect the tonsils, such as:

  • Viruses. A number of viruses and bacteria are common causes of swollen tonsils. These include adenovirus, which causes the common cold, influenza virus, herpes simplex virus, and Epstein-Barr virus.

  • Bacteria. Bacterial infections are less common than viral infections and require an accurate diagnosis to receive proper treatment. Streptococcus bacteria is the most common tonsil bacterial infection and needs early treatment to prevent the development of rheumatic fever.

  • Tonsillitis. Viruses and bacteria can cause this inflammatory condition of the tonsils. In the past, tonsillitis led to many surgeries to remove the tonsils. Today tonsil removal surgery is less common and only employed when tonsillitis occurs often and does not respond to more conservative treatments. 

  • Tonsil cysts. Although cysts on the tonsils are noncancerous, they may still require medical treatment. Several types of cysts can develop on the tonsils, including epidermoid, hydatid, and lymphoepithelial cysts. However, the most common is the tonsillar retention cyst caused by blocked mucous glands. 

  • Cobblestone throat. One of the most common causes of lumpy tonsils is pharyngitis or acute pharyngitis. This inflammatory condition, also called cobblestone throat, results from bacterial or viral infection. Raised, pebble-shaped bumps in the back of your throat may signify you have this condition. These bumps arise from swollen lymph tissue in the tonsils. In addition to these red bumps, you may also notice an irritated or sore throat.

Tonsil Cancer: An Important Reason For Dental Exams

According to MD Anderson Cancer Center, dentists play a significant role in detecting tonsil cancer. A comprehensive oral examination includes more than checking your teeth and gums for cavities and gum disease. Your dentist closely inspects all the soft tissue in your oral cavity, including your tonsils. The most common symptom of tonsil cancer is asymmetrical tonsils which your dentist can easily see during your dental exam. Early detection of tonsil cancer is critical and leads to a low recurrence rate.

Schedule Appointment 

Regular and thorough oral examinations are a priority at Trident General Dentistry. Contact us today to learn more about the importance of regular oral cancer screening.

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