What is Gingivitis? Signs, Symptoms, and Treatment

Gingivitis is a form of gum disease. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that almost one-half of adults aged 30 and older have some form of gum disease. This rate rises to more than 70% for adults 65 years and older. These findings make healthy gums essential to maintaining your teeth and your overall health. Read on to learn more about gingivitis and its signs, symptoms, and treatment options.

At Trident General Dentistry, we offer restorative dentistry services to treat gingivitis in our Charleston, SC offices. Book an appointment with us today.

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What is Gingivitis?

Gingivitis is a mild gum disease that can progress to a more severe periodontal disease if not treated properly. Plaque accumulates around teeth if not removed by brushing, flossing, and professional teeth cleaning. The bacteria from this plaque causes inflammation of the gums. Without proper management of gingivitis, loss of supporting bone will eventually take place. This can cause teeth to loosen and may require extraction.

Causes of Gingivitis

Everyone’s mouth has bacteria. Most of these cause no harm, but a few kinds of bacteria can form a sticky plaque that accumulates on teeth. If not removed, these bacteria and plaque can infect the gum and cause gingivitis. If this soft plaque remains long enough on teeth, it hardens and forms tartar. This tartar aggravates the situation by trapping more bacteria and worsening the infection.

Although plaque is the main cause of gingivitis, certain factors can also contribute to getting gingivitis:

·       Smoking or use of other tobacco products.

·       Poor oral hygiene habits.

·       Family history of gum disease.

·       Certain illnesses such as HIV or diabetes.

·       Some medications such as Dilantin and Procardia.

·       Hormonal changes such as seen during pregnancy or menopause.

·       Dry mouth.

·       Poorly fitting dental fillings or crowns.

·       Crooked teeth that make brushing and flossing difficult.

Signs and Symptoms of Gingivitis

Healthy gums contribute to good health and a bright smile with their firm and pink appearance. However, gingivitis begins silently without causing any pain. Changes in feeling and appearance eventually occur and lead to signs and symptoms such as:

·       Bleeding gums after brushing or flossing.

·       Red gums instead of pink.

·       Swelling or puffiness of gums.

·       Tender gums, especially when flossing.

·       Gums recede and reveal the tooth’s root.

·       Bad breath and persistent bad taste in the mouth.

·       Mild sensitivity to hot and cold food and drinks.

·       Your dentist notices a change in how gum attaches to teeth.

Treatment for Gingivitis

Gum health is vital to preventing tooth loss, keeping an attractive smile, and possibly avoiding serious medical illnesses. Treating gingivitis early can prevent more complex treatment in the future to save teeth.

Prevention and early management of gingivitis include the following measures:

·  Good home oral care. Brushing your teeth twice daily and daily flossing are foundational habits to keeping healthy teeth and gums. Trident General Dentistry can recommend the best home care products for you to use.

·  No use of tobacco products. Smoking doubles your risk of gingivitis. Studies consistently report on the higher risk of gum disease with the use of any tobacco product.

·  Regular dental checkups. Consistently seeing Trident General Dentistry for a thorough examination and professional teeth cleaning can help you prevent or eliminate gingivitis in the earliest stages.

·  Antibacterial mouth rinses. Discuss with Trident General Dentistry if you can benefit from one of these products.

Preventing and treating gingivitis before it progresses into periodontal disease is less costly, less time-consuming, and healthier. Once periodontal disease develops, treatments such as deep cleaning, root planing, and periodontal surgery become necessary.

To learn more about gingivitis and how you can have healthy gums and teeth [Contact us] for a consultation.

Schedule an Appointment with Trident General Dentistry

It’s important to know what gingivitis is as well as its signs, symptoms, and treatment options. Schedule an appointment with Trident General Dentistry to stay ahead of your dental health and prevent gingivitis.

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