Screw Teeth Implants FAQ

Modern dentistry has several excellent options for replacing missing teeth. In addition to the traditional dental bridge and dentures, screw implants now offer a predictable and highly successful treatment choice. Continue reading to learn more about the three parts of a dental implant. And for dental implants we offer services in North Charleston, West Ashley, Summerville, Mount Pleasant, James Island and Hanahan, SC.

We can help you replace one or more missing teeth with a dental implant. Schedule an appointment with Trident Dental for a comprehensive oral exam and implant evaluation.

What Are Screw Implants?

A dental implant consists of these three components:

  • The implant post. This is the actual dental implant that is placed into the jawbone. It supports the other two parts. However, most people refer to the combination of the three components as the implant.

  • The abutment. This is a connector that screws into the post and supports the dental crown.

  • The prosthesis. This is a dental restoration that attaches to the abutment. It can be a crown, dental bridge, or denture.

When Are Screw Implants Used?

Implants are placed in the jawbone to replace the root of a missing tooth. The implant can replace a single missing tooth or serve as the support for a dental bridge or denture that replaces multiple missing teeth.

What Materials Are Used For Screw Implants?

There are two materials used to manufacture dental implant screws. The first material used in the middle of the twentieth century was titanium. The biocompatibility of titanium made it a preferred material to embed in the jawbone. This material is strong, light, and durable for a lifetime of use with proper care. Only a small number of people have an allergy to titanium.

In the late 1990s, dentists began using a ceramic material known as zirconia. It is hypoallergenic, biocompatible, and tooth-colored. Because it is tooth colored, zirconia is not visible under the gumline like titanium. Zirconia and titanium have advantages and disadvantages under certain circumstances. Your dentist will advise you on the recommended material.

How Long Does A Screw Implant Last?

The implant that screws into your jaw can last a lifetime with proper oral hygiene and regular dental checkups. The crown part of the implant typically lasts about fifteen years. However, you can extend the crown’s lifespan with excellent care.

What Are The Advantages Of Screw Implants?

The screw-retained dental implant offers two advantages over those cemented into place.

  1. Easier retrieval. This is an advantage if your crown needs replacing due to damaged porcelain or changes that require a new crown.

  2. Minimized risk of inflammation. Screw-retained implants decrease the risk of inflamed tissue around the implant, known as peri-implantitis. 

Do Dental Implant Screws Hurt?

Dental implant placement is a surgical procedure, so you should expect some discomfort following treatment. This is typically mild and easily managed by your dentist with pain medications. You should not feel pain during the surgery since you will be numb from the dental anesthetic.

Are Dental Implants Worth The Cost?

A missing tooth can cause several problems such as shifting adjacent teeth, difficulty speaking clearly, and efficiently chewing your food. Implants offer superior natural-appearing esthetics, a solid foundation for chewing, less removal of tooth structure from adjacent teeth, and a longer-lasting alternative to other solutions.

Schedule Appointment

Contact us at Trident Dental to learn how we can help you replace missing teeth with dental implants.

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