Restorative Dentistry

Mount Pleasant, SC

Teeth crack, chip, discolor, lose fillings, and may require removal if severely damaged. Restorative dentistry includes the diagnosis and treatment of these and other oral conditions when they occur. Modern dentistry has undergone tremendous advances, including the digital revolution, to help dentists restore damaged and missing teeth, so your smile can look and function its best. Outstanding results are now possible in even the most complex and challenging cases through the use of comprehensive restorative dental treatments in Mount Pleasant, SC. Learn more below, and book an appointment with us today.

Dental Implants

Dental implants are used to replace missing teeth for optimal appearance and function. If several teeth are missing, implants can support a bridge or even a complete denture. Dental implants offer many benefits including improved chewing, prevention of future bone loss, prevention of unwanted facial sagging, and more.

Dental Bridges

A dental bridge replaces a missing tooth by bridging the gap between two teeth or implants. The teeth or implants have crowns that support the artificial tooth. Your dentist permanently cements the crowns and artificial tooth as a single unit that is not removable.

Dental Crowns

Dental crowns replace the visible part of your tooth with a covering or “cap” shaped like your natural tooth. Most crowns are made with a tooth-colored material that looks just like your natural tooth. Many conditions can be treated with a crown, including severely decayed, fractured, or discolored teeth.

Dentures & Partials

Full dentures are removable and custom-made for patients who are missing all of their teeth. Improved materials create full dentures with a very natural appearance and a much better fit than years ago. Partial dentures are removable and use natural teeth for support while replacing several missing teeth.

Root Canals

The inside of a tooth contains nerves and blood vessels. These can become inflamed or infected, causing pain and swelling. A root canal treatment is the removal of this diseased tissue and filling of the space inside the root. Modern dentistry’s advances make root canal treatments more comfortable and successful than ever.

Tooth Extractions

Extensive decay, cracks, and trauma cause the need for tooth extraction in some circumstances. Your dentist will make every effort to extract your tooth when necessary as comfortably as possible. Fortunately, it is possible to replace a missing tooth soon after extraction. Your dentist will discuss your treatment options with you.

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