Pediatric Dentistry

Mount Pleasant, SC

Oral health and tooth development are important for a healthy childhood. Research reveals that excellent oral health care enhances children’s academic performance and leads to enhanced self-esteem. Trident Dental pediatric dentists can help your child maintain optimal oral health with regular checkups, and we can answer your questions about home care as well. Learn more and request an appointment today.

Importance Of Baby Teeth

Your child needs their baby teeth to smile, speak, and eat a healthy diet. Baby teeth also play a critical role in the future appearance of your child’s permanent teeth. This is because they hold the proper amount of space until the adult teeth erupt into the mouth. Losing a baby tooth too early can lead to permanent teeth drifting, which creates crowding.

Stages Of Teething

Babies typically have all 20 primary teeth in their jaws at birth. The first tooth to come in usually is in the front of the mouth around six months of age, but your baby’s gums are likely to be sore before you see a tooth. The teething process lasts for about two years—and sore gums, drooling, coughing, and fever are common. It is important not to use benzocaine for pain relief during teething.

Dental X-Rays

Trident Dental provides quality and safe dentistry for you and your children, which includes taking only the x-rays essential to properly diagnose and treat dental problems. Dental x-rays allow your dentist to:

  • Make sure your child has all their teeth before they erupt.
  • Check for cavities while they are small.
  • Monitor the development of permanent teeth.
  • Identify mouth and bone diseases.

Dealing With Thumb Sucking

Sucking on a finger or thumb is a natural impulse that begins before birth. Sucking on thumbs or pacifiers, however, can create significant oral health problems if it continues past the age of 3 or 4. Fortunately, most children usually stop before they are four years old. Your dentist can make specific recommendations on helping your child break this habit if it continues for too long.

Regular Dental Check-Ups

Prevention and early detection are key reasons for everyone to see their dentist for regular checkups—and this is especially important for children. Even with fluoridated water, tooth decay remains the most common chronic disease among children. Regular checkups with a pediatric dentist can help prevent cavities or enable early and minimal treatment.

Dental Fluoride Treatments

The best way to prevent cavities is with fluoride. Fluoridated water and toothpaste are essential measures to take for your child’s dental health. Your child’s dentist may also recommend fluoride treatments during their checkup. Applying a thin layer of fluoride varnish strengthens teeth and can reverse small cavities in the initial stages.

Dental Sealants

A dental sealant is a clear material applied to the grooves on the tops of teeth to prevent cavities. This is a fast, safe, and comfortable procedure that can protect teeth for years.

Dental Emergencies

You should immediately contact our office if your child has a toothache, swollen gums, broken tooth, or knocked a tooth out. If you doubt whether it is truly an emergency, it is better to call us and let us help you.

Request An Appointment

Trident Dental has experienced pediatric dentists throughout the Mount Pleasant, SC area. We’ll do everything we can to keep your child comfortable while ensuring you are informed every step of the way. Contact us today to book your child’s first appointment at a Trident Dental location near you.

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