Cosmetic Dentistry

Mount Pleasant, SC

The old song says it best, “When you’re smiling, the whole world smiles with you.” Trident Dental can help you change your world by improving your smile through cosmetic dentistry in Mount Pleasant, SC. With modern techniques and the most advanced dental technologies, we can transform the appearance of crooked, broken, and discolored teeth into the smile you’ve always wanted. With our cosmetic dentistry services, we can dramatically improve your appearance, boost your self-esteem, and create confidence to live a healthy and vibrant life.

Teeth Whitening

One of the first noticeable aspects of your smile is the whiteness of your teeth. Food and drink can stain teeth over time, no matter how clean you try to keep them. Professional whitening is far superior in removing these stains than over-the-counter options for a brighter smile.

Invisible Braces

Traditional braces use brackets, bands, and wires that are uncomfortable, not pleasing to look at, limit the foods you can eat, and make oral hygiene difficult. Clear aligners invisible aligners eliminate all these problems. These removable aligners comfortably move your teeth into an ideal position without interfering with your diet and oral hygiene.


Veneers are a great cosmetic option to cover severely damaged, crooked, or stained teeth. A veneer is a thin cover placed on the front of your tooth, made from porcelain or a similar material. Although very thin, veneers are exceptionally strong and stain resistant, restoring your natural-looking smile.

Botox® & Dermal Fillers

At Trident Dental, we are pleased to offer Botox and dermal fillers as part of our comprehensive cosmetic dentistry services. Learn more about how we can treat issues like wrinkles, TMJ, migraines, and other smile issues.

Benefits Of Improving Your Smile

    • Make a positive first impression.
      People form opinions very quickly, often on first impressions. Cosmetic dentistry gives you teeth you’re proud to show off with a large and radiant smile.
    • Gain confidence that leads to success.
      After your smile makeover, you will be more confident to interact with people. This can lead to a greater chance of success. In fact, studies reveal that you’re 58% more likely to be successful with beautiful and straight teeth.
    • Improve your dental health.
      Cosmetic dentistry improves your appearance, but you will also be inspired to maintain your new smile with meticulous oral hygiene and regular dental visits.
    • Spread some happiness.
      You’re sure to be a happier person with your improved smile. Your happiness will spread every time you smile at another person!

What To Expect From Cosmetic Dentistry

Your cosmetic visit will begin with a dentist consultation to discuss what you would like to improve about your smile. If you have any dental issues unrelated to your smile that need to be addressed, these will also be discussed. You will also be able to ask any questions about specific procedures you have in mind, such as teeth whitening, invisible braces, or Botox injections. Your dentist will discuss recommended treatments in detail, so you can understand what to expect and make an informed decision.

When You Leave From This Visit You Will Be Well-Informed About:

  • The cosmetic procedures that are best for you
  • The time required for each procedure
  • What to expect after each procedure
  • The results you can expect from each procedure
  • How much your life can change with an improved smile
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