Dental Bridge Vs. The Implant

When you replace a missing tooth, you look younger and chew your food better. While most replacement options prevent sagging facial muscles and improve your biting forces, there are differences in the various treatments. Two of the most common tooth replacement treatments are dental implants and dental bridges. Continue reading to learn more about dental bridge vs. implants. 

To learn more about dental implants and bridges, schedule an appointment at Trident Dental for a comprehensive oral and professional teeth cleaning.

What Is A Dental Implant?

A dental implant is a small post that is surgically placed in the location of a missing tooth. The most common material implants are made of is titanium. However, some are made of a bioceramic material known as zirconium. Although zirconium offers esthetic and nonallergenic benefits, it is more susceptible to fracture than titanium. While the implant replaces only the missing tooth’s root, the term “dental implant” represents the entire prosthesis. This prosthesis includes the implant post, an abutment, and the dental crown. The abutment functions as a connector between the post and crown. As you evaluate your options, take into consideration the cost of each part of the implant.

What Are The Advantages Of A Dental Implant?

The advancements and benefits of dental implants have led to their rising popularity in recent years. These benefits include:

  • Prevention of bone loss. When you lose a tooth, the bone around the area of the extraction begins to dissolve. Implants offer the only way to replace a missing tooth that stimulates your jawbone to avoid bone loss.

  • Restoration of chewing efficiency. Because implants are anchored into the bone of your jaw, they provide significantly more biting force potential that matches your natural teeth than other replacement options.

  • Superior esthetics. Dental implants provide your dentist the best option to closely match your natural teeth’s shape, size, and color shade. 

  • Easy maintenance. You can maintain dental implants in the same way you care for your natural teeth. Implants require no special devices such as floss threaders to remove dental plaque.

What Is A Dental Bridge?

A bridge is a dental prosthesis that replaces one or more missing teeth. A traditional fixed dental bridge includes crowns on the teeth adjacent to the missing teeth. An artificial tooth is attached to these crowns during the fabrication of the bridge. This artificial tooth, known as the pontic, replaces the appearance of the missing tooth. The pontic is not anchored to the bone and provides no stimulation that helps prevent bone loss under the bridge. Bridges are typically made of porcelain, gold, and other metals. As you consider replacing missing teeth with a bridge, remember that this option involves dental treatment of adjacent teeth.

What Are The Advantages Of A Dental Bridge?

Dental bridges have a long history of successfully replacing missing teeth. The advantages of bridges include:

  • No surgery is needed. (*In most cases, this is the most significant advantage a bridge has over an implant.)

  • Adequately restores the function of your teeth for chewing and speaking.

  • Prevents the shifting of adjacent and opposing teeth.

  • Like implants, bridges provide support to facial muscles to prevent their sagging.

Schedule Appointment

Contact us at Trident Dental before you decide how to replace your missing teeth. We can provide an assessment and recommendation on various options.

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